The long road home to self-expression with illustrator Carina Lindmeier
Image credit: Adobe Stock / Carina Lindmeier.
Even as a child, Carina Lindmeier knew that art was her calling, but her first foray into a creative profession found her on the administrative side of advertising.
“I decided to go to a graphic design school,” she said, “And then I started my first job in an advertising agency — not as an illustrator or graphic designer, but as a project manager. So, I got familiar with all the organizing stuff, and how to deal with clients, but it was kind of boring for me.”
Growing up in Linz, Austria, Lindmeier spent endless hours drawing her favorite subjects: colorful flowers, fantasy worlds, and horses. She was inspired in particular by early, hand-drawn Disney movies, and the 1982 animated feature, The Last Unicorn.
Art has been a part of Lindmeier’s daily life since she was young.
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