Digital transformation: 3 steps to enable innovation
Everyone wants to be seen as innovative. Innovation conjures images of exciting, dynamic companies that move fast, generate great results, and leave everyone (employees and customers) happy.
Unsurprisingly, innovation repeatedly ends up among organizations’ top focuses. A Boston Consulting Group study found that in 2021, 75 percent of businesses named it one of their top three priorities, up ten percent from 2020.
Unlock the ability to innovate
But as a McKinsey article notes, “Innovation is difficult for well-established companies.” Legacy systems, thinking, and processes can hamper the ability to turn ideas into tangible products and services that have a real impact.
That’s why many businesses are accelerating digital transformation programs: They want to scrap the old ways of working so they can be more innovative in fast-paced, disrupted marketplaces.
[ Also read Digital transformation: 4 key building blocks.
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